

會址:九龍又一村瑰麗路 36 號

2.宗旨 Mission
2.1 推動家長與教師間建立互相溝通之途徑。

2.2 促進學生的品學及福利。

3.1.1 家長會員:凡本校學生的家長或監護人均有資格成為本會會員。
3.1.2 教師會員:凡本校現職教師均有資格成為教師會員。
3.1.3 名譽會員:凡本校已畢業之學生家長、校監、校董均有資格成名譽會員。

3.2.1 家長會員享有動議、和議、發言、發決、選舉及被舉權。
3.2.2 教師會員享有動議、和議、發言及表決權。
3.3.3 名譽會員享有動議、和議、發言及表決權。

3.3.1 會員有義務出席會員大會及特別會員大會。
3.3.2 會員有義務遵守會章及會員大會或常務委員會通過之決議。
3.3.3 會員須繳納會費。會費由常務委員會決定。教師會員及名譽會員則不需繳付會費。

3.4.1 會籍期限為一年。
3.4.2 如家長會員於該年度逾期一個月未繳會員年費,而又未能提供合理解釋者,則當作自動退會論
3.4.3 退會:會員擬退出本會,已繳交之會費概不退還。


4.1 會員大會
4.1.1 會員大會由全體會員組成,為本會最高權力機構。會員大會每年召開一次,大會法定人數至少有全體會員人數之三分之一,方為有效。投票時,若正反方票數相同,主席可投決定性一票。若會員大會召開半小時而出席人數不足,主席須宣布流會,並須在十四日內以書面通知,再召開會員大會,是次會員大會不論出席人數多少,均屬有效。
4.1.2 投票、參選、選舉常務委員
4.1.3 通過常務委員會提交的會務及財政報告
4.1.4 在接獲十位或以上會員(其中家長會員不少於五位及教師會員不少於五位) 聯合提出動議,可召開特別會員大會。常務委員會應於開會前七天通知全體會員出席「特別會員大會」。會員應以書面形式正式申請要求召開特別會員大會。申請函必須包括會員姓名、會員簽名和郵寄地址。

4.2 常務委會員
4.2.2 常務委員會職位及職責:常務委員會最少共有委員 5 人。其中至少 3 人由家長會員擔任。家長委員由家長會員投票選出,最多票數的 4 位當選,各職位由互選產生,教師委員由學校委任。
i) 主席1人(在家長委員中選出):
ii) 副主席兼宣傳1人(在教師會員中委任):
iii) 秘書 2 人(家長及教師委員各 1 人):
iv) 司庫最多 2 人(家長及教師委員各 1 人,如只有一位司庫,需在家長委員中選出):
v) 總務 2 人(家長及教師委員各 1 人):負責策劃及推行本會一切康樂活動。
vi) 增選會員:
由常務委員會會議通過邀請出任。增選委員可列席常務委員會會議發言, 但無投票權,亦不列入常務委員會。如遇常務委員離職,其職務由常務委員會邀請增選委員或會員填補有關空缺。
4.2.3 首屆常務委員會任期由二零零四年三月一日至二零零五年八月三十一日。
4.2.4 常務委員會任期為三年,任期由每年九月開始。
4.2.5 除首屆常務委員會外,常務委員會每年開會不少於三次。
4.2.6 每次出席人數最少為 3 人,其中家長委員會不少於 2 位及教師委員不少於 1 位。所有議決事項,以少數服從多數為原則。
4.2.7 如逾規定開會時間 30 分鐘,出席者不足法定人數,即宣佈流會。委員會須於兩星期內再召開會議,出席人數最少為 3 人,其中最少有半數人數出席為家長委會或教師委員,即屬合法。
4.2.8 常務委員會委員均為義務性質。

4.2.9 在委員會任期3年期間,如委員人數低於法定人數,常務委員會應邀請其他會員加入常務委員會。常務委員會將就接受新任委員進行表決,新任委員將在常務委員會剩餘任期內履行職責。

4.3 顧問






Constitution of Parent-Teacher Association

1. Name of Association and its address


Address: 36 Grandeur Road, Yau Yat Chuen. Kowloon, Hong Kong

2. Missions
2.1 To promote the communication between parents and teachers
2.2 To enhance the welfare and overall learning of students

3. Member Benefits, Obligations and Membership
3.1 Members
3.1.1 Parent Members: All parents or guardians of our students are entitled to become our parent members
3.1.2 Teacher Members: All teachers currently working in the school are entitled to become our teacher members
3.1.3. Honored Members: All parents of graduates, school supervisors and school managers are entitled to become our honored members

3.2 Right
3.2.1 Parent members shall have the right to move, second, speech, vote, elect and be elected.
3.2.2 Teacher members shall have the right to move, second, speech and vote.
3.3.3 Honored members shall have the right to move, second, speech and vote.

3.3 Obligation
3.3.1 Each member shall have the obligation to attend the Annual General Meeting and other Special General Meetings
3.3.2 Each member shall abide by the Constitution of the Association or the resolutions of Standing Committee.
3.3.3 The parent members shall pay the annual membership fee. The membership fee shall be subject to the approval of the Standing Committee. The teacher members and the honored members shall not be required to pay the membership fee.

3.4 Membership
3.4.1 The membership shall last for one year.
3.4.2 The parent members who fail to pay the annual membership fee for one month overdue without any reasonable explanation shall be regarded as membership withdrawal.
3.4.3 Membership withdrawal: The Association shall not refund the membership fee already paid by the parent members.
3.4.4. Parents of students transferred to the school in the middle of the school year may apply to become our parent members and pay the annual membership fee.

3.4.5. Parents wishing to join the Parent Teacher Association after the initial stage are required to submit their request in writing to the PTA committee. This will be discussed at the next PTA committee, and the Standing Committee will convene a vote to see whether the new members application is accepted.

4. Organization
4.1 General Meeting
4.1.1 General Meeting is composed of all the members and is the unit with the highest authority in the Association. The General Meeting shall be convened once a year. The quorum for the meeting shall be at least one-third of the number of our members. If the number of votes for and against a motion turns out to be equal, the Chairman shall have a casting vote. If the number of members presenting in the meeting does not meet the quorum after the meeting is held for 30 minutes, the Chairman shall bring the meeting to a close and give a written notice of another meeting within 14 days. Such meeting shall be considered as an effective one regardless of the number of attendees.
4.1.2 Vote, run for office, elect for standing committee
4.1.3 To review and approve the affairs and financial report of the Standing Committee
4.1.4 Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened when 10 or more members (at least 5 parent members and 5 teacher members) second a motion. The Standing Committees should notify all members of the Extraordinary General Meeting 7 days in advance.The members can formally request in writing that an Extraordinary General Meeting should be convened. The request must contain the members name, signature and address.

4.2 Standing Committees
4.2.1 Standing Committee shall be in charge of all the committee affairs in the adjournment of the General Meeting.
4.2.2 The posts of Standing Committee and their duties: The Standing Committee shall have at least 5 committee members. At least 3 of them shall be parent members. Parents committees are elected by the parent members, and the four who obtain the most votes shall become the committees. A poll on each post shall be carried out among the committees. Teacher committees shall be appointed by the school.
i) 1 Chairman (Choose from parents committees) :
The Chairman is responsible for convening and holding Members’ General Meeting, Standing Committee Meeting and Extraordinary General Meeting, processing all the related PTA affairs, reporting at the general meeting and organising the election of the Standing Committees.
 ii) 1 Vice-Chairman (Choose from teacher committees) :
The Vice-Chairman is responsible for assisting the Chairman to process all PTA affairs, promoting PTA activities, publishing PTA newsletters and carrying out the duty of Chairman while the Chairman is absent. The first Vice-Chairman shall be chosen from parents members and the second Vice-Chairman shall be chosen from teacher members.
iii) 2 Secretaries (1 choose from parents committees and 1 choose from teacher committees) :
Secretary is responsible for preparing the meeting agenda and meeting minutes, and processing internal and external documents.
iv) At most 2 Treasurers (1 choose from parents committees and 1 choose from teacher committees. If there is only 1 Treasurer, he/ she should be chosen from the parents committees) :
Treasurer is responsible for the balance of income and expenditure of PTA, report the financial status to the Standing Committee regularly, prepare the annual financial report and submit to the Standing Committee for review and approve in the General Meeting.  
v) 2 Liaison Officers (1 choose from parents committees and 1 choose from teacher committees)
Liaison officer is responsible for promoting the committee affairs and all the recreation activities
vii) Additional members
Additional members shall be invited by the Standing Committee. They can attend and speak at the Standing Committee Meeting but they do not have the right to vote and are not listed as a member of the Standing Committee. If a member from the Standing Committee has resigned, the Standing Committee will invite additional members or general members to fill the vacancy.
4.2.3 The term of service of the 1st Standing Committee commenced from 1 March 2004 to August 31, 2005.
4.2.4 The term of service in the Standing Committee is 3 years, starting from September every year.
4.2.5 Other than the 1st Standing Committee, the Standing Committee shall convene at least 3 meetings per year.
4.2.6 The minimum number of committees attending each meeting shall be 3, including not less than 2 are parents committees and not less than 1 is teacher committee. All resolutions shall be based on the principle of the majority decisions.
4.2.7 If the number of members presenting in the meeting does not meet the quorum after the meeting is held for 30 minutes, the Chairman shall bring the meeting to a close and give a written notice of another meeting within 14 days. The minimum number of members attending the new meeting shall be 3, of which at least half of the attending members shall be parents committees or teacher committees.  
4.2.8 Members of the Standing Committees are all voluntary.

4.2.9 Should the number of committee members fall below the required number during the 3 years committee term, the Standing Committee shall invite potential members to apply to join the Standing Committee. The Standing Committee will convene a vote on the acceptance of the new committee members and the new committee member will fulfill the role for the remainder of Standing Committee term.

4.3 Consultant: School supervisor, board member and principal are ex-officio consultant. Executive Committees can invite people who have significant social contribution to serve as our consultant.

5. Finance
5.1 All spending must be used in the affairs and activities organised by PTA
5.2 Treasurer shall report the financial situation in the Standing Committee Meeting.
5.3 The 1st financial year commenced on 1 March 2004 and ended on 31 August 2004. After that, every financial year shall commence on 1 September and end on 31 August of the upcoming year.
5.4 Treasurer is responsible for collecting membership fee and other incomes, which shall be deposited into the bank account of PTA. Every withdrawal requires two signatures by either Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer or Secretary, of which one of them is a parent committee and one of them is a teacher committee. Withdrawal is only valid when it is jointly signed with the PTA seal.
5.5 Treasurer shall keep all payment receipt records for three years. Any receipt records after 3 years shall be invalid.

6. Audit
Standing Committees will elect parents to become voluntary auditor to audit our annual financial statement by the end of each financial year.

7. Amendments of the Constitution and dissolution of the Association

7.1 Any amendments to the Constitution shall be passed by at least two-thirds of the members presenting at the General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting. The Chairman of Standing Committee shall give a written notice to all members about the meeting date and the details of the amendments 7 days in advance.

7.2 In the event of dissolution of the Association, the relevant decision of the dissolution shall be agreed upon at least two-thirds of the total number of members. If there are any surplus assets, they shall be donated to the school to improve the welfare of our students upon the agreement of all members.

Version 2023-2024