為培養小朋友的不同興趣及提升個人潛能,同時亦為增進小朋友的專注力和自信,因此學校每年舉辦多元化的增益課程,並由専業導師擔任教授。 小朋友可按個人興趣報讀,亦歡迎校外生報讀,課程包括:

To cultivate different interest, explore individual potential and improve self confidence and concentration among children, our school will organise different extracurricular classes taught by professional instructors. Students may choose to apply according to their personal interest. External students are also welcomed to apply.

英語樂園  English Funland

以不同英語活動去帶動小朋友說英語的興趣。課程內容 為以多元化的教學活動(如:互動對答、唱遊、講故事 及玩遊戲)來學習英語以培養及鞏固幼兒的英語基礎, 迎接未來小學教育。  

Use different English activities to stimulate children’s interest in speaking English. The content of the course is to learn English with diversified teaching activities (such as: interactive quizzes, singing games, storytelling and playing games) to cultivate and consolidate children’s English foundation and prepare for future primary school education. 

戲劇班 Drama

以不同角式扮演活動及小型戲劇去帶動小朋對演藝的興 趣。 上學年會以角式扮演活動及短劇去帶動小朋友演出能力, 下學年會以正向及正確價值觀為主題,小朋友合力演出一 場大型戲劇。 課程以廣東話授科,歡迎不同語言背境同學 參加,以達致共融主題。  

This activity will explore the student’s potential in performance and English expression ability, improve their confidence, learn how to work with each other through role play, body movement and emotional practice and interactive activities. 


通過珠心算,小朋友可以將數字形象化做可看見、可聽 到、可觸碰的物件,再慢慢物件轉化形象儲存在腦中,之 後在腦中快速完成計算。珠心算班除了可以提升小朋友的 運算能力和速度,在學習過程中更可以鍛鍊思維能力和協 調發展能力。  

Through abacus mental arithmetic, children can visualize numbers into visible, audible, and touchable objects, and then slowly transform the objects into images and store them in their brains, and then quickly complete calculations in their brains. Abacus and mental arithmetic classes can not only improve children’s computing ability and speed, but also exercise their thinking ability and coordination development ability during the learning process. 

視覺藝術班  Creative Art 

課堂會以繪畫,小手工及輕黏土為主,訓練小朋友視覺美感及 手部微動作控制能力。 上學期會以繪畫為基礎,下學年在學習繪畫上加上輕黏土 為裝飾。 全期會加插純小手工及純輕黏土的課堂。  

This course will mainly focus on painting, small handicrafts and light clay to train children’s visual aesthetics and hand micro-motion control ability. The first semester will be based on painting, and in the next school year, light clay will be added to the painting for decoration. During the whole period, classes of pure small handicrafts and pure light clay will be added. 

爵士舞  Jazz 

This course helps children to understand the movement of the body. It enhances the coordination and flexibility of different body parts and also develops the sense of rhythm.

科普班 STEM 

基礎 STEM 科普班,會以不同的科普實驗去帶動小朋友 對科學,科技,工程及數學的興趣。積木機械會以積木 組件去帶動小朋友對機械,動力轉換及轉向等科技的興 趣。 

Basic STEM classes will use different popular science experiments to stimulate children’s interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Building block machinery will use building block components to stimulate children’s interest in technology such as machinery, power conversion and steering. 


  1. 請填妥報名表連同學費交回班主任,支票抬頭為「NMS Lutheran Kindergarten」,背面請註明學生姓名及課程名稱。
  2. 如人數不足,課程將取消;如人數過多,則抽籤決定。
  3. 課堂後請家長自行安排接回孩子。興趣班不設校車服務。
  4. 如小朋友因私人理由未能出席課堂,將不設補課,學費將不獲退還
  5. 如因天雨關係或突發事件,教育局宣佈停課,將取消課堂,並不設補課,學費將不獲退還

Application method

  1. Please fill in the application form and return the form with the fee to class teacher. By cheque : Cheques should be made payable to “NMS Lutheran Kindergarten” . Please write your child’s name, class and course name at the back of the cheque.
  2. If the number of enrollment are insufficient, the class will be canceled and the fees will be refunded. If the number of enrollment is over the class limit, students will be selected randomly.
  3. Parents shall arrange to pick up your children. No school bus will be provided after class.
  4. If a student is absent from class for personal or other reasons, the fee will not be refunded nor a makeup class shall be arranged
  5. If the class is cancelled due to the storm warning signal no.3 or no.8, red or black rainstorm warning, the class will be cancelled, and the fee will not be refunded nor a makeup class shall be arranged.