1. 語文 Language


在英語範疇方面,小朋友以學習英語作為第二語言,教學時運用不同策略、真實語境提昇小朋友對學習英語的興趣。透過有意義及趣味性的英語活動,如故事閱讀(Storytelling)、生活體驗(Real-life experience)、兒歌(Songs and Rhymes)、戲劇(Drama)及拼音活動(Phonics),讓小朋友能在自然的語境中接觸英文,從而發展小朋友的英語聽說、能力及早期的讀、寫能力,並建立對英語的概念。

The language development is very important for children learning and whole person development. The design of class activities is according to the main elements of Chinese language learning, including voice, vocabularies, grammar and Chinese characters and reading strategies. We will integrate the Chinese knowledge into teaching activity to strengthen the awareness of language and enhance their abilities in literacy, reading, comprehension and communication to help them further develop their language skill.

English is the second language for our students. We will try to increase their learning interest in English with different strategies and actual learning environment. The school will also design meaningful and interesting activities, such as storytelling, real-life experience, songs and rhymes, drama and phonics. Students can develop their listening, speaking and early reading and writing skills in such natural language environment.

2. 體能與健康 Health & Physical Fitness


Physical Fitness activity not only promote the muscle and bone development of children, it can also promote their self confidence and self-value, and improve their perseverance and learn to obey the rule and respect to others.

3.藝術與創意 Art and Creativity



Children are always full of curiosity about the world. allow Our student can express their imagination and creativity through diversified art creation, exhibition and appreciation activities. We values the creativity of our future generation. DIY activity allows our students to learn the way to use different materials in making their art creations and share their art works and appreciate other’s work.

Dancing is a kind of sport which is created by elegant body movement along with relaxing musical notes. This can improve the sense of rhythm and music among children. Dancing can also improve the coordination and flexibility of the body. As children need to interact with their classmates, this also promote the social development and the social interaction among children. All children will have chance to perform on the stage which can boost their self-confidence. Children at 3 will mainly doing some basic hand, feet and body movement. The 4-year-old class will start to practice the coordination between their hand, feet or bodies. The 5-year-old class will start to practice their wonderful dance movements with music.

4. 大自然與生活 Nature and Living


Children are naturally curious about everything. The nature and life emphasizes on developing their curiosity and exploration spirit, help them grasp the way to understand the knowledge and the values and the attitudes in respecting the natural environment. This course will encourage children to use senses to discover the fun of nature and discover their relationship with life.

5.幼兒數學 Early Mathematics

數學概念與幼兒的生活息息相關。生活化和情境化的學習, 能讓幼兒發現數學與生活的關係,透過解決生活中的實際問題,建立 對學習數學的興趣和動機。鼓勵他們學以致用,以數 學概念解決日常生活的實際問題。
數學有嚴謹的學習層階,學習內容層層遞進。數學概念需配 合幼兒的認知發展,而實物操作則有助幼兒鞏固概念。

Mathematics is very important in everyday life. Situated learning help our children to discover the relationship between mathematics and daily life. This can expand their interest in math and encourage them to apply what they’ve learned in daily life and solve their problem with mathematics knowledge. We have developed different stages of math learning. Different math concepts are introduced in the curriculum based on their cognitive development. The practical operation will help children consolidate their knowledge.

6. 個人與群體 Self and Society

幫助幼兒了解自己, 初步認識在不同群 體中應有的態度和行 為,掌握與人相處的 基本技巧。孩童因應身體和認知的發展,開始加 深對自己的認識,逐步建立自我形象。 讓幼兒建立樂觀自信,擁有正面 的自我形象。

幼兒培養自律能力,學習對自己的行為和情緒負責任,並發 展判斷是非和獨立處事的能力,能為將來的學習與成長奠下 良好的基礎。

幼兒在不同的群體中有不同的身份,學校能為幼兒的社交和 群性發展,提供真實和生活化的情境,學習如何恰當地表達 自己的情緒和需要,與別人和睦共處,並尊重和關愛他人。

This can allow our students to develop a better understanding about themselves, the fundamental attitude and behavior in groups and master the basic interpersonal skills. According to different stages of physical and cognitive development, children will start to learn more about themselves and gradually build up their self-image and develop the optimistic and positive self-image.

We wil help our children to develop self-discipline skills and learn to be responsible for their behavior and emotions. It is also essential to help our children to develop the ability in judging between right and wrong and working independently to lay a good foundation for future learning.

Children can take on different roles in different groups. In terms of social relation and group development, the school provides real life situation for children to learn how to express their emotion and need in proper way, the importance to respect others and interpersonal skills