我們擁有專業的團隊,教師持有認可的資歷,分別持有碩士學位或大學學位的資歷,教師團隊富愛心、具教學經驗、勇於創新。教師透過日常觀察及紀錄,定時與家長分享小朋友的學習情況,並與家長一起培育小朋友。我們的教師與小朋友的平均比例為 1:11。 同時亦有專科專教老師負責教授英語、普通話、舞蹈和宗教。此外,學校有足夠的支援人員在校內協助照顧小朋友。

Our professional teachers all hold reconigsed education certifications including MA or BA degree. All teachers have extensive teaching experience with creativity. Teachers will share the learning condition with our parents according to the daily observation and records. The average percentage between our teachers and students are one to eleven. We also have professional teachers to teach English, Mandarin, dancing and religion. The school also has abundant support staffs to care for our students.