仁愛班 陳杏柔家長

媽咪:「我喜歡黃老師間學校,不想去Miss Vinci 哪間!」這是在我問柔柔,她想去哪兒上學時她這樣回答。

小孩子是最簡單直接,柔柔已經表現她很喜歡到信義中英文幼稚園上學了。 其實,在她回家後的表現也告訴我,她的校園生活是快樂的。她每天回家常常模仿老師的口吻,扮老師日常會和孩子做的事情,敬拜、貼貼紙、教小朋友玩遊戲、和唱遊等。她不時也分享在學校和其同學的情況。這是我希望我女兒能在成長時,能得到的,「享受學習生活」。當我看見她享受上學時,我發現她在很多方面在學習上也有很多的進步,例如,說話、塗鴉、手肌、自理、社交及認知等。她的進步我想原自於學校建立了一個安全感和環境讓柔柔學習,以正面積極鼓勵的方法,引導她長大。特別是老師對學生的愛和鼓勵,柔柔就是浸泡在這愛和鼓勵下,學習品德修養和發揮個人特質。感謝老師們看見柔柔獨特的地方,培育她成長,也關心她適應細佬們的來臨,對我和她特別的關懷,使我們一家享受滿足多兩個寶寶的來臨。感謝神讓柔柔在這滿有愛和關懷的學校成長

仁愛班 周昊訢家長





喜樂班 林鈞朗家長





喜樂班 陸旻謙家長

First of all, congratulations to NMS Lutheran Kindergarten’ 50th anniversary. We believe that it is really a great milestone to school. For our family, 2020/21 is an amazing and challenging year period. Our son, Dominic, has started his first year of kindergarten life. We still remember the first day he arrived the classroom of JOY. He cried so loud and made us from excitement to anxiety. The first thing that came into our mind was, “How long will Dominic get used to his K1 life?” Interestingly, after two days, Dominic happily chose his colorful uniform for school and walked into the classroom by himself. He always showed smile when we picked him up. He sang the songs learnt from school and shared with us his joyful conversation with teachers.

Throughout the pandemic year, we can feel the love, passion, support, and patience of all teachers and staffs in NMS Lutheran Kindergarten, especially Ms. Toby Tsui and Ms. Jess Leung (Class teachers of Joy). They not only teach students on academic knowledge but also inspire them with creative ideas as well as guide them with the right attitudes to difficulties. Every day, they shared with us of what Dominic behaved and his emotion in school. Through this treasurable and informative after-school conversation and experience sharing, we really learned how to handle the needs and the emotion of Dominic. We also learned how to build up self-confidence of Dominic. Now is almost the end of the school year, we found that Dominic has really improved obviously. He becomes more independent in daily life activities. He is also able to express and handle his emotion much better.

In fact, NMS Lutheran Kindergarten is very supportive and helpful to families like us since both of us are working parents. It is a great blessing that my son can study in NMS Lutheran Kindergarten, and we are very thankful to all in NMS Lutheran Kindergarten.

和平班 鄭灝舜家長

“仁愛與和平,主的恩典,溫柔和良善的果子……..” 這首歌,灝舜常常唱在口邊, 他第一次聽到這首歌時剛剛升上K2及正在停課, 他聽這首歌時便哭起來跟我說 :“媽咪,我好掛住學校”, 當時我好驚訝他有這種反應。

和平班 蘇紀瑜家長


恩慈班 蕭美恩家長


恩慈班 袁一瑜家長

Our Happy days at NMS

My boy joined NMS Kindergarten in 2019. We originally had offers from other nearby kindergartens. But after hearing great reviews of NMS and going through the friendly interview process, we decided this is the school for our boy. And we are happy we made the right choice!Back then, my boy was very timid and had serious separation anxiety. We joined the transition class before K1 started. I remember vividly that he cried throughout the 9 classes out of the 10 classes. I was an anxious mom too. I waited outside during his transition classes.

During that time, I felt the genuine love and care from all teachers and staff in NMS. Teachers would brief me about my boy’s situation in the classroom. They discussed with me about my concerns. Even the teacher from the next class spent long time talking to me, understanding my boy’s situation. The auntie helpers also put me at ease, telling me my boy was fine I class. I was touched by their kindness and genuine care for my boy.My boy started K1, still anxious and uneasy but he gradually adapted to school life. There is a personal touch in NMS which I valued highly. The headmaster, teachers and auntie helpers would greet all kids by their names. My boy would come back telling me which auntie helper helped him going to toilet.

Then there come social chaos and Covid-19. Schools were suspended. NMS produced frequent and thoughtful teaching videos which my boy enjoyed watching. There were also zoom sessions so that kids could meet their teachers and classmates online. The school also spent much effort in organizing other activities online, like the Chinese New Year celebration. During this home-bound period, these activities mean a lot to the kids.

NMS also produced regular learning reports. From the reports, I can see why my boy enjoys his school life. There are always interesting activities through which the kids learn. In the past month, my boy has been humming an Environmental Protection song and has been very conscious in this topic. I can see they have been learning conservation concepts from making recycled paper, from watching a play about protecting the ocean, etc. It is real learning through activities.

Thanks to the love and care from all teachers and staff, my boy grew from a timid introvert, to one who loves going to school and loves sharing his stories and experiences. It is the school’s 50th anniversary this year. I am sure NMS will continue to grow and nurture more and more kids in the years to come.

備註: 以上為家長提供之感言,固部份只提供中文版資料 Information above are provided by parents.

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