2024/25年度新生資訊及課程體驗日Experiential Learning Activity



內容: 介紹學校理念、並讓小朋友和家長一起進行課程體驗。歡迎2024-25年度入讀K1的幼兒及家長按下面連結報名參加。已報名家長請於當天按時出席活動。

Our school Experiential Learning Activity will be held on 14th October, 2023 (Saturday) .

Time: 1:30 to 3:00 p.m.

Content: We will introduce the features of our school. Children will join the experiential Learning Activity with the parents. Parents are welcomed to click on the link below to sign up for course introduction.

Register Now! (P.M. Session)

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