最新資訊 News

04 1 月

聖誕崇拜相片回顧 Christmas Celebration

親愛的家長,Dear Parents,聖誕崇拜影片已製作完成,家長可以按以下連結回顧當日活花絮。謝謝 :-)We would like to share our joyful moment, Christmas worship, with all of you.聖誕崇拜相片回顧 (第一場:仁愛,和平,良善班)Christmas...

信義開心之旅 NMS Happy Journey

在信義中英文幼稚園上學真的很開心!除了主題時間,每天還有體能、音樂、小組及自選活動時間,每星期其中兩天更有外籍班主任以外語與我們進行以上的活動。除此以外,每星期也會有普通話及舞蹈活動時間,全日班小朋友更會在學校午膳及午睡呢!一同來看看我們每天的活動吧! We are really happy to go to NMSLKG! In addition to the theme time, there are daily physical, music, small group and free play time. On two days of the week, foreign class teachers will conduct the above activities with us in foreign languages. There will be Mandarin and dancing activities every week, and children in the whole-day class will have lunch and nap at school! Let's take a look at our daily activities!

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